How did the Ice Bucket Challenge became so viral ? “Factors of Viral Effect”

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: How it Started | Time

Firstly , Ice Bucket Challenge got famous in 2014 it involves people nominating anyone that would love to do the challenge with and participants are encouraged to be filmed getting a bucket of ice water thrown over their heads before recommending others to do the same. This is to raise awareness of what it feels like to have a disease such as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ASL) where the person progressively loses nerves cells that results in devastating symptoms.

Before we dive into it what is viral marketing and why is it so crucial to marketers ?

Viral marketing is the goal to spread a brand , product or services to people quickly towards a large audience in a short amount of time whether through word-of-mouth or social network . It is crucial towards marketers as it has low cost marketing budget but bring significant reach towards the brand generating potential sales penetrating the market in increasing branding and awareness.

This article will look into the factors on why it has became so viral and the impact of such a movement have created towards the community and culture.

Participation :

Guy attempts Ice Bucket Challenge with excavator, bucket knocks him out  cold instead | Equipment World
Creative way of doing a Ice Bucket Challenge

Kevin Allocca have mentioned in a TedTalk things become viral is due to either by participating in the movement or coming up with new ideas towards it and as more people participate from being a funny challenge it turns into something that everyone can be a part of , towards a cause and raise awareness towards a problem that can help a problem that people is facing as a community.

Influences :

Bill Gates ALS Ice Bucket Challenge - YouTube
Bill Gates doing the Ice Bucket Challenge

What made the Ice Bucket Challenge so popular was the fact that big influencers were doing the challenges propelling the challenge and introducing people to new and interesting challenge to participate . Research have found that influencers placed a huge impact as their known for or defined as those with a large number of followers and the ability to influence social media conversations about businesses or themes. When viewers sees someone they look up to or inspire they wish to do the same bringing and advertising the challenge through word-of-mouth ,hence, making it viral.

Shared Anticipation :

Explode a Watermelon Using Only Rubber Bands | Mental Floss
A watermelon rubber challenge that went viral

A theory was placed in challenges that went viral is shared anticipation as viewers were excited in participating in something is about to happen . It is one of the emotional triggers know as curiosity people enjoy talking about their feelings. When we are moved by anything, we want others to feel the same way. As a result, anything that elicits an emotional response is more likely to be shared on social me

Which factors do agree with the most ? Let me know down in the comments ! Hope you loved this weeks blog ❤😊

6 thoughts on “How did the Ice Bucket Challenge became so viral ? “Factors of Viral Effect”

  1. Great work! I agree with the participation theory and agree that because the Ice Bucket Challenge was such an easy thing to be a part of for every average citizen, it really helped the virality of it. Also for future references and blogs, just with the visual aspect, I think you should keep your paragraphs to a maximum of 3 sentences, just to keep it skimmable and easy on the eye. Great content though, keep it up!


    1. Hi Rupert thanks for commenting on this week blog ! I agree with your point I will take note on that and be sure to keep it short and simple focusing the spacing and sentences for readers to read the blog ! Hope to see more feedbacks !


  2. Hi Lim, This week’s blog that you wrote provided a nostalgic memory of mine when I did the ice bucket challenge. The points you made were clearly labelled out and I got to understand it even better with the pictures you have provided. I definitely agree that influences and emotional triggers are the main reasons as to why contents go viral. It was a great read, although I think that you should have include the sources as to where you got the images from. Cheers.


    1. Hi Steven ! I am glad you loved this week blogs . I do agree with your point to back up with resources and analytics for more readers engagements ! Love to hear more of your feedback next time !


  3. I think your bolg about Viral Effect is very interesting. Indeed, now that the Internet is developed, people all over the world can share what they see and hear at any time. But for some reasons, the Viral Effect on this network is also spreading, and sometimes it will have an extreme impact on others. thanks for sharing.


  4. Thanks yetian ! I agree the viral effect is very contagious and do have a huge impact in terms of influences towards brand image . Thanks for commenting and hope to see more feedback !


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